Freelance Projects

Art Shop

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Photo Editing

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art shop

I enjoy bringing my art to life to a physical medium. It is one of the ways I combine creativity, marketing, and some fun!

Isn't it cool to see that you can do this all from the comfort of your home?
Visit my art website


Besides making small charms and stickers, I do create full, elaborate art pieces. I draw to relax. Sometimes I feel that some illustrations are worthy to be made into poster prints!
Visit my art website
To see more sketches:
Visit Instagram
click the image to see my illustrations

photo editing

I have been photo editing since 2012. Nowadays, I edit for fun but will utilize my Photoshop skills for my art shop ads, occasional photo touch-ups, and helping others with their small businesses too.

The images depicted here:
  • Product photos & edits done for Candy Kingdom

    Note: The product photos were taken on my phone!

  • Fun "For Me" Photo Edits
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